Solarizing Schools

Enriching students’ education with electricity



Today’s rising demand and limited capacity to generate electricity have created a real opportunity in Palestine to improve their children’s future. Empower Kids Palestine is a campaign to install solar power in K-12 schools while also training teachers and inspiring the children to learn about renewable energy and the science behind it.

Recent Progress

How It Works

At Empower Kids, every initiative meets an important need for those living in Palestine.

  • What it is

    The Empower Kids program will fund the installation of new, highly efficient solar energy systems in an expanding number of schools. It is our mission to ensure Palestinian schools get the power they need while in session and, during off hours, send power to the grid for household and business use.

  • Why it's important

    It is critical to provide dependable power to Palestinian schools in advance of creating Computer Labs on each campus, that will enable teachers and students to connect with the outside world and utilize distance learning platforms.

  • What's next

    To ensure that Palestinian students are inspired by the science used to power their schools, Palestinian teachers are being trained in all aspects of the new solar energy systems as well as the associated scientific concepts. The educational dimension of the Empower Kids Palestine program is sure to help create new opportunities for our children and a brighter future for all of Palestine.

Your Support Matters

The Palestinian people continue to strive for peace. In spite of the very few who would like to disrupt any plan for a peaceful Middle East, the vast majority of Palestinians have the same hopes and dreams as we do—for ourselves and our children.

Your support for school solarization, new computers, and new projectors for science labs will help us make a difference for these people who—like everyone else—deserve the very best.