Empowering the future
of Palestine

Every human being wants to enjoy the many freedoms and liberties that life affords. The Palestinians are no different. In an effort to help, we have created Empower Kids Palestine, with the hope that we will be able to provide certain types of assistance to our Palestinian friends that will add value to their lives and livelihood and put them on a path forward that leads to their empowerment.

Why Palestine?

The Middle East region of our world has been an area where mistrust amongst neighbors underlies many cross-border relationships. Driven by different religious beliefs, along with clear memories of war, today’s Middle Eastern populations continue to be akin to a pot of alphabet soup on fire. In an effort to help bring people together to make Palestine a better place for all who call it home, Empower Kids Palestine has chosen to focus upon schools in several ways in an effort to improve certain conditions that lead to empowerment and self-satisfaction.

Read the Story

  • 20

    Number of teachers trained in initial campaign

  • 1.5k

    Number of students impacted by initial campaign

  • K-12

    Grades to benefit from solar installation

Ed Eisele

I am looking forward to bringing solar energy to many schools in Palestine and to educating their future generations about this important source of energy.

Ed Eisele
Empower Kids Palestine

Your Support Matters

The Palestinian people continue to strive for peace. In spite of the very few who would like to disrupt any plan for a peaceful Middle East, the vast majority of Palestinians have the same hopes and dreams as we do—for ourselves and our children.

Your support for school solarization, new computers, and new projectors for science labs will help us make a difference for these people who—like everyone else—deserve the very best.