About Empower Kids

One of the most abundant resources in the Middle East is the sun. The sun shines almost every day of the year in Palestine. Because solar power is now viewed as the preferred source of energy in the 21st century, Empower Kids Palestine has chosen to begin solarizing schools in the West Bank in an effort to provide schools with reliable power every day of the school year and also to reduce the cost of energy for each school so that their precious resources can be redirected to higher-priority initiatives.

Defining the Need

Whenever the electric power (which is sourced from Israel) is interrupted at a school, the learning environment for the students is compromised. Not only do all of the classrooms go dark, all of their computers shut down as well and must then be rebooted.

By providing solar power to a school, the risk of losing electric power is virtually eliminated. Instead, the school day can proceed according to plan and the learning environment only improves.

Also, for each school that we solarize, we provide brand new computers and projectors for the science labs, in an effort to help the school’s students connect with the many extraordinary educational databases available from around the world.

Ed standing with a couple


Ed Eisele was born in Phoenix, Arizona. Following graduation from the School of Business at the University of Arizona, Ed entered the United States Navy where he served his country in several capacities including aboard the USS Kitty Hawk.

Following military service, Ed returned to Phoenix and began his career in his family’s business. He led Holsum Bakery for many years until he sold it in the early 2000’s. During his life, Ed has devoted significant time to many charitable endeavors in both Arizona and internationally in an effort to make a difference in other people’s lives.

One of the most-important organizations that has impacted Ed’s life—Young President’s Organization—sponsored an in-depth briefing in Bethlehem in an effort to tell a side of this story that many in the West do not get to hear—and Ed attended. Based upon the knowledge that was shared during that briefing, Ed decided to roll up his sleeves and do whatever he could, in an effort to help move some things forward in Palestine for the benefit of everyone in the region.

AZ Community Foundation

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Arizona Community Foundation

Arizona Community Foundation leads, serves and collaborates to mobilize enduring philanthropy for a better Arizona.