Next-Generation Leaders

Engaging Educational Leaders



Knowing that education is the basis for any enlightened society, we chose to bring a cadre of educators from Palestine to the campus of Arizona State University for one semester where they were exposed to 21st century teaching techniques by highly talented educators.

The idea behind this initiative is to provide the teachers with new tools and techniques that have been validated for improved learning outcomes, with the hope and expectation these teachers will return and introduce these tools and techniques within their schools. If this can happen, the outcomes will benefit many thousands of young boys and girls for a lifetime.

Participants - NGL

How It Works

At Empower Kids, every initiative meets an important need for those living in Palestine.

  • What it is

    One of the greatest needs identified by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Palestine is training future leaders. Arizona State University’s Next Generation Leaders Program met this challenge in a powerful way by engaging early and mid-career practicing educational leaders from a range of settings who wanted to transform and better their practice.

  • Why it's important

    The program taught education leaders how to enhance learning opportunities for students of all ages in Palestine, and thereby created a network of leaders capable of effecting change throughout the educational system. This program has directly impacted over 90 practicing educators, reaching over 2300 students in schools across the West Bank.

  • What's next

    Upon their return to Palestine, the Next Generation Leaders shared and implemented their action research projects with the support of the Ministry of Education. They continue to receive on-going outreach from ASU faculty and staff through on-line meetings and in-person site visits in order to ensure their success.

Your Support Matters

The Palestinian people continue to strive for peace. In spite of the very few who would like to disrupt any plan for a peaceful Middle East, the vast majority of Palestinians have the same hopes and dreams as we do—for ourselves and our children.

Your support for school solarization, new computers, and new projectors for science labs will help us make a difference for these people who—like everyone else—deserve the very best.